Thursday 24 June 2010

Treat Anxiety Disorder 3

Treat Anxiety Disorder Part Three

Forecasting disaster

This is something we do quite frequently, if you desire to treat anxiety disorder read on.
Whatever thing you do, you want to keep a positive focus and goal. From time to time It happens you may be worried about the upshot of some chief thing.
A slight nervousness is natural. But, when this 'little nervousness' turns into a prediction for disaster it becomes a negative thought trap.

For instance, let us say you are preparing for a speech. A a small number of butterflies in the stomach are warranted. Still, if you start thinking, 'This would be a total disaster', 'I will not be able to speak one word and all and sundry will giggle at me' or things like that, you are opening the door wide to anxiety.

Positive things phrased with negation

This is one of the most dangerous of all negative thoughts trap since you do it thinking it is helping you, when it is in point of fact harming you plus leading you directly to an anxiety attack. This is when you are able to tell yourself, 'I will not be afraid', 'I do not require to be worried about anything', 'I will not do any mistake this time' and so on.

The intention here is that, while you require to put emphasis on a positive aspect, what you are in point of fact doing is visualizing the negative aspect.
As the negative feature projects the more dominant emotions, this is how your mind would recall and build upon. For that reason, you should be especially careful regarding how you put into words your self-encouragement.

This is really important if you want to treat anxiety disorder. The right way is to leave out the negative aspect totally, such as 'I will do a wonderful job today', 'I will enjoy the experience', 'everything is going to be just fine' and so on.

Comparing yourself to others

It is very common for anxiety suffers to evaluate themselves to others in a negative way. For example, 'My husband never notices me nowadays, no matter what I do; but see her - her husband totally adores her', and so on. Do not let yourself fall into this trap. As soon as you contrast yourself with others constructively, your mind will emphasize all the negative differences.

Having said all this and yes it did go on a bit, but I believe it is in truth important to make the point of negative thinking and how it actually does form our lives. But also that it is a THOUGHT and only a thought. You produced that thought so you can modify it. Because if you don’t change it your anxiousness will turn into a anxiety disorder that will be even harder to contest and surmount. But you can treat anxiety disorder and defeat it. And as I mentioned in part one, you can get yourself a personal coach or counselor or join a anxiety community to help treat anxiety disorder.

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