Sunday, 27 June 2010

How To Treat Anxiety Attacks

Here are several very useful tips on how to treat anxiety attacks.

1. Breathe Correctly.

Researchers at The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center have pinpointed one of the reasons why breathing is so essential when we may be suffering from anxiety. They establish that we habitually hyperventilate while we are in an anxious state. This is truthful, as you will know if you suffer from anxiety attacks. We are aware of short and fast breathing that in turn creates small brainwaves, all contributing to our harassed state.

This is a exceedingly good way on how to treat anxiety attacks, learn to breathe with the belly muscles. By doing it we make much longer breaths which make slower brainwaves. That is the style of stress-free breathing we do as we are calm and still. When we are mindful of this, we are able to learn this technique and it actually does soothe us down, if done correctly.

2. Meditation

A good number of individuals are put off by the thought of meditation and even yoga because they just feel it is too complex to learn and that they will never have the time to do it. All you need to do is to find the quietest place at home.
You can choose to sit down or even lie down. The significant thing is to feel at ease. Focus on your breathing and put into practice letting air fill your lungs and then when exhaling, feel the abdominal muscles tightening. The secret here is that you are capable to shut out all the mess, sound from surrounding you, while you give attention to only on your breathing. You will be surprised at how much calmer you will feel.

3. How to treat anxiety attacks through diet.

Getting the correct nutrients, minerals and vitamins can in fact help in creating optimal conditions so that our brain functions just as perfectly as our body. Any foods that can improve the levels of serotonin can enhance our mood. Which can help to bring down anxiety levels. The greatest foods, are the complex carbohydrates which are the whole grains, fruit, vegetables and nuts. Did you know that the element called tryptophan helps in soothing and is contained in some dairy products and also turkey meat?

4. Herbal remedy for anxiety?

Lots of herbs are now known to help keep anxiety at bay. The better known ones are Valerian, chamomile, passion flower and winter cherry. These actually work and there are no nasty side effects either, unlike the anti anxiety medications prescribed in massive doses across the nation.

5. Counseling

Work with a counselor or personal coach, they will usually have immense experience on how to treat anxiety attacks. Find some one that you can connect to and feel relaxed with. You may possibly also look online and locate some anxiety communities that you could join. Talk to fellow suffers of anxiety and gain as much facts as you can on how to treat anxiety attacks.

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