Friday, 16 July 2010

How To Treat Anxiety Fear

How to treat anxiety fear is a tough question for the reason that anxiety comes from a fear.  The fear can be a identifiable  fear such as a fear of spiders, or a fear of heights or it may be a free floating fear.  That really, means you  are incessantly feeling anxious.. So anything can initiate your anxiety.

So how to treat anxiety fear could be to confront it and stop it in its track.  For example if you had a fear or phobia  of spiders.  The basic thing you may do could be to seek  out someone who is qualified to aid you with your fear of  spiders.  They will guide you and support you conquer your fear and anxiety of spiders.

But if you genuinely don’t recognize what your anxiety is concerning, then I can actually understand how frightful it is having  anxiety.  Its not solely fear of anxiety, but it’s all the  feelings that go with it.  You could be fearful  for the reason that you have anxiety, then you can undergo anxiety for the reason that you are fearful.

So it’s a bit like the chicken and egg scenario, which comes first the chicken or the egg.  It’s the alike with  anxiety and fear, which came first the fear or the anxiety.

A further way on how to treat anxiety fear would be to check with your general practitioner on how to treat your anxiety fear, they  possibly will suggest taking tablets to help control your anxiety fear.
I was given a lot of assorted tablets to treat anxiety, I was even hospitalized for a period, so I do recognize what  anxiety fear is like, and how it can take over your life.

Medicine are okay, but all the side-effects seemed to cause my anxiety fear a lot worse.  Also I finished up walking  round like a robot, drugged up to my eye-balls.
However like most medication your body gets used to it, so the measure has to be increased.  But it did help get my  anxiety under control and give me a respite.

But the only way I know how to treat anxiety fear was to face it. I accomplished this by finding a counselor that I could  work with.  This is very central, because you have to be able to feel in safe hands and protected with the person you are  going to work with.  The sessions have to go at a pace you feel comfy with.

Together you can start to strip away the layers of your fears and anxieties, for the reason that the actual cause of your  anxiety will be well buried.  It is worth persisting with it till you uncover the root cause.  Once you have the root  you can then deal with it.  It’s no good if you just remedy the outer layers, because your anxiety fear will just  come back.

You can also think about alternative therapies, or joining a online community specifically designed for people who  suffer with anxiety.  They could have some other ideas on how to treat anxiety fear.

Treat Night Time Anxiety

I would think that the measureless majority of anxiety suffers, would love to be skilled to treat night time anxiety.   I do not grasp what it is, but having night time anxiety feels tons worse than having anxiety in the day.

I used to suffer through night time anxiety really bad, it got to the phase where I started to be terrified of the night time.  And of course the more deliberation that I gave to it the stronger my night time anxiety got.  It started to be a viscous circle.

But how i learn t to treat night time anxiety, was that i set into place some coping strategies.

The first thing I did was to have a dvd player in the bedroom, and played my favorite films to sidetrack me from my anxiety.  For the reason that I really wanted a good nights sleep.

  In reality what I desired was a respite from my anxiety.  Concentrating on a film that I liked preoccupied my mind, which gave me small breaks from my anxiety.  Except it was more than that, if a distraction could prevent my anxiety it just proved to me that my opinion where creating my anxiety.
This certainly started to assist me treat my night time anxiety. A minor break from my anxiety was in actuality appreciated, I can tell you.

I also bought some relaxation cd's to listen too as I was trying to go to sleep.  Being relaxed genuinely does relieve anxiety.  While we are in a anxious state are bodies are so tensed and prepared for the fight or flight syndrome, we actually need to get our bodies to unwind and feel calm and peaceful.  I cannot stress this enough, get your body to rest.

I also tried exercises at night before I went to bed to get rid of all my surplus energy.  This will sound bizarre but I was up for trying anything to treat night time anxiety.  My night time procedure was exercise, soak in the bath, then either a dvd or a relaxation tape to help me get off to sleep.

You may possibly also try taking some natural herbs at night to support you relax and get off to sleep.  Make sure you ask a specialist who can show you on what to take and how much to take.

If you do not mind taking drug to treat night time anxiety, then there are sleeping tablets or sedatives that you can take that will help you relieve your night time anxiety.  Again ask your physician about what tablets are available and dependable to take.

But keep in mind taking medicine for anxiety does not treat your anxiety, but it does give you a break from it.  The best way to treat anxiety is to find a counselor or personal coach who can aid you to work through the issues that are causing your anxiety.  This is the only way to treat night time anxiety.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Treat Anxiety Now

Here are just a very few symptoms of anxiety, do not let them get out of control and ruin your life.  Treatanxiety before it controls you.

Does your breath begin to get quicker and quicker? Do your palms get sticky? You seek to get your heart pace to slow down, and back into a regular rhythm, but your jumpiness is taking control. These are signs of anxiety, which are to a certain extent normal, however if you have these symptoms on a recurring basis then it is time to treat anxiety. How does one halt anxiety from occurring? It is a general event, connected to stressful occurrences, traumatic circumstances or other types of activities that are imagined as hazard or linked to panic. Despite what you think, there are ways to treat anxiety so that it doesn't get in the way of what you have to do.

Self - Help

The leading method to treat anxiety is self help. With this, you are able to use plain techniques in order to begin relieving your problems with situations that cause you anxiety. If you do not want to take any dramatic measures to treat anxiety, then it begins with you recognizing the trouble, and beginning to find solutions for it.
Self-help doesn't mean sitting down and reading the most popular books concerning getting clear of anxiety once and for all.
 It is much simpler than this. Once you accept that you are frazzled, panicky, anxious or have heightened fear: stop. Set in motion to breathe at a natural pace deep and slow this will help you avert the start of physical symptoms.. Commencing here, you can instigate to think about the circumstances differently. Thinking in upbeat affirmations is an painless way to stop the anxiety.

Alternative Medicine

If breathing alone doesn't work, than you can always turn to things used holistically by others. There are a selection of natural supplements that are used with treating anxiety, as well as helping one to understand to relax in any type of situation. No matter what the circumstance, you can try to apply any of these in order to help.
One of the well known alternative treatments for anxiety is aromatherapy. Lavender, for example, can be used in order to soothe you down. You can find this obtainable in anything from bubble bath to candles to oil. No matter what your inclination, it is valuable in helping your system to wake up to a stress-free state. Patchouli oil is also known to be as effective as lavender in helping to calm you down, expressly with anxiety. These are the two that are known to be most effective; however, more than a few others can be found to help.

You can also find yourself a counselor or personal coach, who is knowledgeable with working with anxiety.  Get a person who you feel comfortable working with, who will let you to direct the sessions.  The most vital thing is for you to feel safe and protected, this will in fact help treat anxiety since you will be in a comfortable state and feel in control.

Control is very chief to anxiety suffers, because having anxiety can cause you to feel out of control.  So to treat anxiety and defeat anxiety, take back control of the thoughts that have manifested your anxiety.